So, there’s been a recent flurry of attention to the stock market. It prompted last week’s post. But it also reminded me to bubble up to higher in my priority list a project to create a database of daily security prices and short positions from open data sources.
Yahoo Finance is an excellent data source and the quantmod
R package provides a very convenient way of accessing it, but fundamentally its API is oriented around looking up a single security and examining its price and volume trends. This is fine for many purposes, but for analysis across securities one wants to start with a generic question like “which stocks have had the highest growth rate in price or volume”. This requires a data set of all available security prices, rather than looking them up one at a time.
It is in fact possible to create the dataset I want for these purposes from scratch from original sources in a few hours, but as I’m thinking of using this multiple times I want to persist it somehow to avoid duplicate work and hitting the original data sources more than needed. Caveat - I think this is allowed with the data sources I’m working with but it’s frustratingly difficult to find out for sure. If I’m wrong, let me know and I’ll pull down this post.
A database is the obvious solution. In this blog post I build such a database using SQLite, which works well enough for my single-user use case. At work we’d use SQL Server for a job like this but part of my motivation for today was to push me into a different zone and work with a less familiar tool, to remind myself of which things are idiosyncratic to which database systems.
The data model
For my purposes I am happy with daily data. The data I want to store has an obvious grain of date-security ie one row for each day for each security that I have data for. This implies just two dimensions - date and security (or product, as I call it below, following ASIC’s terminology for their published data on short positions). The facts that I’m interested in are the open, high, low, close and adjusted price for each day; the volume of transactions; the short position; the total float; and the short position as a proportion of the total float. The price and volume data can come from Yahoo Finance, and the short positions data can be downloaded from the Australian Securities and Investment Commission, who collect self-reports from short sellers.
My initial plan was just two tables:
- one for the product dimension with unchanging (or slowly changing) information like its ASX ticker, the ticker on Yahoo Finance, its latest name with various alternative approaches to punctuation
- one for the facts, with separate columns for the nine facts (open price, volume, etc) listed in the previous paragraph.
I think this is indeed probably the correct structure for a Kimball-style dimensionally modelled analytical datamart. However, it proved unpleasant to write the extract-transform-load for my two data sources into that wide fact table. It would have involved a lot of UPDATE
operations to add data from one source to columns for rows that are partly populated by the other). SQLite in particular does not really support UPDATE
in combination with a JOIN
and getting around this would have been awkward. So to simplify things I normalised the data one step further and made my fact table more “long and thin”. This meant adding a variable dimension so that when extra data comes in from another source I am just adding new rows to the data for a subset of variables rather than filling in empty columns for existing rows.
Here’s how the data model looks:
I used the excellent (and free) DBeaver universal database tool to make that diagram, and to develop any non-trivial SQL code used in this blog.
And this is the SQL that creates it. I’ve used GO
(in the style of Microsoft T-SQL) to separate each command, not because SQLite understands it (it doesn’t) but because I have R functions that do, which I’ll be using in a minute.
Post continues below SQL code
-- Drop existing version of database (careful!):
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS f_prices_and_volumes;
-- Define the various tables:
CREATE TABLE d_products (
ticker_yahoo VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
ticker_origin VARCHAR(16),
exchange_origin VARCHAR(16),
latest_full_description VARCHAR(255),
latest_full_description_tc VARCHAR(255),
industry_group VARCHAR(255),
latest_observed DATE
CREATE TABLE d_variables (
CREATE TABLE f_prices_and_volumes (
product_id INTEGER,
observation_date DATE NOT NULL,
variable_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (product_id) REFERENCES d_products (product_id),
FOREIGN KEY (variable_id) REFERENCES d_variables (variable_id)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX one_obs_per_var
ON f_prices_and_volumes(variable_id, product_id, observation_date);
-- Populate the variables dimension:
INSERT INTO d_variables (variable) VALUES
Populating with data
I used R for accessing the origin data from the web and sending SQL commands to set up the database. Here’s the first chunk of code that creates the empty database, runs the SQL above to set up tables, and makes an initial dump of ASX listed companies into the d_products
table. I adapted some of this and subsequent code from this blog post by Michael Plazzer. I’m not sure how definitive is that list of ASX listed companies referred to in the below code.
Post continues below R code
library(frs) # for download_if_fresh and execute_sql. Available from GitHub.
#=============database setup============================
#-----------Define database------------------
if(!"stocks.sqlite" %in% list.files()){
# if this is the very first run we need to create the empty database and its tables
con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "stocks.sqlite")
# run the SQL script that defines the table - needs to be saved in seaprate file:
execute_sql(con, "0199-stocks-db-setup.sql", log_table = NULL)
} else {
con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "stocks.sqlite")
#------------set up product dimension-----------
asx_cos <- read.csv("",skip=1) %>%
mutate(ticker_yahoo = paste0(ASX.code, ".AX"),
exchange_origin = "ASX",
latest_observed = as.Date(NA),
latest_full_description_tc = tools::toTitleCase(tolower( %>%
ticker_origin = ASX.code,
latest_full_description =,
industry_group =,
RSQLite::dbWriteTable(con, "d_products", asx_cos, row.names =FALSE, append = TRUE)
Loading the short positions data
The short positions data from the ASIC website includes many products that aren’t in the list of listed companies on the ASX site. In general, I want to be able to update my list of products/securities. Getting data from Yahoo Finance, where I specify a security ticker code and then get the data, won’t let me do this (unless I tried codes at random). Because of all this, in my initial bulk upload I do the ASIC data first, hoping (without really checking how it happens, which of course I would for a more formal use) that this will surface new (or old) securities that aren’t in the spreadsheet I downloaded from the ASX.
The code below is in two chunks. It downloads all the CSVs of short positions data from ASIC, taking care not to re-download data it already has. Each CSV represents one day of three facts on each product. Then (somewhat more complex), it reads all the CSVs one at a time (if it hasn’t already processed this particular CSV); identifies missing products/securities which it then adds to the d_products
table; then populates the fact table with the facts for all the products it’s found in this particular CSV, having matched them to the product_id
field in the d_products
Other than the three-card shuffle with adding new products to d_products
as it goes, and some annoying complications with different formats and encoding of the CSV files on the ASIC page (see comments in the code), this is fairly straightforward data-wrangling stuff for R.
This took three or four hours each for the two bits of functionality (bulk download and bulk import) to run.
#===============Get the short positions data=============
# From:
all_dates <- seq(from = as.Date("2010-06-16"), to = Sys.Date(), by = 1)
dir.create("asic-shorts", showWarnings = FALSE)
i = 1
for(i in i:length(all_dates)){
the_date <- all_dates[i]
# Don't bother trying to download on weekends:
if(wday(the_date, label = TRUE) %in% c("Sat", "Sun")){
m <- str_pad(month(the_date), width = 2, side = "left", pad = "0")
y <- year(the_date)
ch <- format(the_date, "%Y%m%d")
fn <- glue("RR{ch}-001-SSDailyAggShortPos.csv")
url <- glue("{y}/{m}/{fn}")
# Only exists for trading days. Rather than bother to work out exactly the trading days,
# we will just skip over any 404 error
try(download_if_fresh(url, glue("asic-shorts/{fn}")))
all_products <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT product_id, ticker_yahoo
FROM d_products
WHERE exchange_origin = 'ASX'") %>%
already_done_dates <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT DISTINCT observation_date AS od
FROM f_prices_and_volumes AS a
INNER JOIN d_variables AS b
On a.variable_id = b.variable_id
WHERE b.variable = 'short_positions'
ORDER BY observation_date")$od
d_variables <- dbGetQuery(con, "select variable_id, variable from d_variables")
all_csvs <- list.files("asic-shorts", pattern = "DailyAggShortPos", full.names = TRUE)
# we are going to do this backwards so product names are the latest ones
i =length(all_csvs)
for(i in i:1){
the_csv <- all_csvs[i]
the_date <- as.Date(str_extract(the_csv, "[0-9]+"), format= "%Y%m%d")
# if we've already got short positions observations in the data for this date,
# then break out of the loop and go to the next iteration
if(as.character(the_date) %in% already_done_dates){next()}
# The first 1400 files are actually tab-delimited and UTF-16, the
# rest are genuine comma separated files and more standard encoding.
# Couldn't get read_csv to work with the various encoding here.
if(i <= 1400){
d1 <- read.csv(the_csv, fileEncoding = "UTF-16", sep = "\t")
} else {
d1 <- read.csv(the_csv)
# sometimes this still doesn't work and we go back to the other method:
if(nrow(d1) < 10){
d1 <- read.csv(the_csv, fileEncoding = "UTF-16", sep = "\t")
d2 <- d1 %>%
clean_names() %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate(observation_date = the_date,
ticker_yahoo = paste0(str_trim(product_code), ".AX")) %>%
left_join(all_products, by = "ticker_yahoo") %>%
short_positions = reported_short_positions,
short_positions_prop = x_of_total_product_in_issue_reported_as_short_positions,
) %>%
# convert from percentage to proportion:
mutate(short_positions_prop = short_positions_prop / 100)
non_match <- sum($product_id))
if(non_match > 0){
message(glue("Found {non_match} products in the short data not yet in the database"))
print(select(filter(d2,, ticker_yahoo, product, observation_date))
new_products <- d2 %>%
filter( %>%
mutate(exchange_origin = 'ASX',
latest_full_description_tc = tools::toTitleCase(tolower(product)),
industry_group = NA,
latest_observed = NA,
ticker_origin = str_trim(product_code)) %>%
latest_full_description = product,
RSQLite::dbWriteTable(con, "d_products", new_products, row.names =FALSE, append = TRUE)
all_products <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT product_id, ticker_yahoo
FROM d_products
WHERE exchange_origin = 'ASX'") %>%
upload_data <- d2 %>%
select(observation_date:ticker_yahoo) %>%
left_join(all_products, by = "ticker_yahoo") %>%
select(-ticker_yahoo) %>%
gather(variable, value, -product_id, -observation_date) %>%
left_join(d_variables, by = "variable") %>%
value) %>%
# a small number of occasions the short_positions_prop is NA or Inf because
# the totla product in issue is 0 even though there are some short positions.
# we will just filter these out
filter(! %>%
mutate(observation_date = as.character(observation_date))
dbWriteTable(con, "f_prices_and_volumes", upload_data, append = TRUE)
# progress counter so we know it isn't just stuck
if(i %% 100 == 0){cat(i)}
Loading the price and volumes data
Next step is to get some data from Yahoo Finance on price and volumes. Overall, this is more straightforward. The quantmod
R package describes the functionality I’m about to use as “essentially a simple wrapper to the underlying Yahoo! finance site’s historical data download”.
I’ve tried in the code below to make this updateable, so in future I can run the same code without downloading all the historical data again. But I haven’t fully tested this; it’s more a working prototype than production-ready code (and I wouldn’t use SQLite for production in this case). But here’s code that works, at least for now. It gets all the Australian security ticker names in the format used by Yahoo (finishing with .AX
for the ASX) and their matching product_id
values for my database; finds the latest data data is available in the database; downloads anything additional to that; normalises it into long format and uploads it to the fact table in the database.
This took a couple of hours to run (I didn’t time it precisely).
#================stock price and volume information===========
all_stocks <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT product_id, ticker_yahoo
FROM d_products
ORDER BY product_id") %>% as_tibble()
for(i in i:nrow(all_stocks)){
# display a counter ever 20 iterations so we know we're making progress:
if(i %% 20 == 0){
cat(i, " ")
ax_ticker <- all_stocks[i, ]$ticker_yahoo
latest <- as.Date(dbGetQuery(con, glue("select max(observation_date) as x from f_prices_and_volumes
where product_id = {all_stocks[i, ]$product_id}"))$x)
start_date <- as.Date("1980-01-01")
} else {
start_date <- latest + 1
if(start_date <= Sys.Date()){
df_get <- data.frame(getSymbols(
src = 'yahoo',
from = start_date,
to = Sys.Date(),
auto.assign = FALSE))
if(nrow(df_get) > 0){
df_get$observation_date <- row.names(df_get)
row.names(df_get) <- NULL
names(df_get) <- c("open", "high", "low", "close", "volume", "adjusted", "observation_date")
upload_data <- df_get %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate(product_id = all_stocks[i, ]$product_id) %>%
gather(variable, value, -observation_date, -product_id) %>%
inner_join(d_variables, by = "variable") %>%
value) %>%
filter(observation_date >= start_date) %>%
mutate(observation_date = as.character(observation_date))
dbWriteTable(con, "f_prices_and_volumes", upload_data, append = TRUE)
Updating the product dimension with some summary data
The final steps in the extract-transform-load process are some convenience additions to the database. First, I update the d_products
table which has a latest_observed
column in it with the most recent observation for each product:
#===============Update the observation dates in the dimension table============
# This is much more complicated with SQLite than in SQL Server because of the
# apparent inability of SQLite to elegantly update a table via a join with
# another table. There may be a better way than the below but I couldn't find it:
sql1 <-
SELECT product_id, max(observation_date) as the_date
FROM f_prices_and_volumes
WHERE observation_date IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY product_id;"
sql2 <-
"UPDATE d_products
SET latest_observed = (SELECT the_date FROM tmp WHERE d_products.product_id = tmp.product_id)
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tmp WHERE d_products.product_id = tmp.product_id);"
sql3 <- "DROP TABLE tmp;"
dbSendQuery(con, sql1)
dbSendQuery(con, sql2)
dbSendQuery(con, sql3)
Finally, I want to create a wider version of the data, closer to my original idea of a fact table with one row per product-date combination, and nine fact columns (for open price, volume, short position, etc). In another database I would use an indexed or materialized view for this sort of thing, but SQLite doesn’t support that. I tried making a view (basically a stored query) but its performance was too slow. So I created a whole new table that will need to be created from scratch after each update of the data. This isn’t as disastrous as it sounds - an indexed view does something similar in terms of disk space, and it only takes a minute or so to run this. And it is a convenient table to have.
So here’s the final step in this whole data upload and update process, creating that wide table from scratch. Note the clunky (to R or Python users who are used to things like spread()
or pivot_wider()
) way that SQL pivots a table wide, with that use of the SUM(CASE WHEN ...)
pattern. It looks horrible, but it works (so long as you know in advance all the column names you are trying to make in the wider version):
#============Create a denormalised (wide) version of the main fact table=======
# In another database system this would be a materialized view or indexed view or similar,
# but we don't have that in SQLite so it is a straight out table. Note that this roughly
# doubles the size of the database on disk; and duplication means we need to remember
# to re-create this table whenevedr the original fact table updates.
sql1 <- "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS f_prices_and_volumes_w"
sql2 <- "
CREATE TABLE f_prices_and_volumes_w AS
SUM(CASE WHEN variable = 'open' THEN value END) AS open,
SUM(CASE WHEN variable = 'high' THEN value END) AS high,
SUM(CASE WHEN variable = 'low' THEN value END) AS low,
SUM(CASE WHEN variable = 'close' THEN value END) AS close,
SUM(CASE WHEN variable = 'volume' THEN value END) AS volume,
SUM(CASE WHEN variable = 'adjusted' THEN value END) AS adjusted,
SUM(CASE WHEN variable = 'short_positions' THEN value END) AS short_positions,
SUM(CASE WHEN variable = 'total_product_in_issue' THEN value END) AS total_product_in_issue,
SUM(CASE WHEN variable = 'short_positions_prop' THEN value END) AS short_positions_prop
FROM f_prices_and_volumes AS a
INNER JOIN d_variables AS b
ON a.variable_id = b.variable_id
INNER JOIN d_products AS c
ON a.product_id = c.product_id
GROUP BY observation_date, ticker_yahoo, ticker_origin, latest_full_description"
dbSendStatement(con, sql1)
dbSendStatement(con, sql2) # takes a minute or so
Exploratory analysis
Phew, now for the fun bit. But I’m going to leave substantive analysis of this for another post, as this is already long enough! I’ll just do two things here.
First, let’s look at a summary of how many data points we’ve got in the database
variable | n | number_products | number_dates |
open | 880775 | 1873 | 8491 |
high | 880775 | 1873 | 8491 |
low | 880775 | 1873 | 8491 |
close | 880775 | 1873 | 8491 |
volume | 880775 | 1873 | 8491 |
adjusted | 880775 | 1873 | 8491 |
short_positions | 1318329 | 3048 | 2694 |
total_product_in_issue | 1318326 | 3047 | 2694 |
short_positions_prop | 1318204 | 3046 | 2694 |
That all looks as expected. In total we have about 9 million observations. There are many securities with short positions reported to ASIC that I couldn’t find prices and volumes for in Yahoo Finance, which is interesting and worth looking into, but not astonishing.
That table was created with this SQL (and a bit of R sugar around using knitr
and kableExtra
, not shown):
COUNT(1) AS n,
COUNT(DISTINCT(product_id)) AS number_products,
COUNT(DISTINCT(observation_date)) AS number_dates
FROM f_prices_and_volumes AS a
INNER JOIN d_variables AS b
ON a.variable_id = b.variable_id
GROUP BY variable
ORDER BY b.variable_id
Finally, some real analysis. What can we do with this database? Here’s an example of the sort of thing that’s possible with this asset that wasn’t earlier. This is an answer to my hypothetical question I started with - what are the most traded and fastest growing (in price) securities on the ASX?
That chart was created with this code, which has three substantive bits:
- an SQL query (and R code to send it to the databse) that grabs the data we need, averaged by year for each product, from the wide table defined above
- a little function purely to change the upper/lower case status of product names for the chart
code to draw the chart.
#---------Recent growth-----------
sql <- "
WITH annual_vals AS
CAST(STRFTIME('%Y', observation_date) AS INT) AS year,
AVG(adjusted) AS avg_adjusted,
sum(volume * adjusted) AS vol_val,
FROM f_prices_and_volumes_w
GROUP BY latest_full_description, ticker_yahoo, STRFTIME('%Y', observation_date))
SUM(CASE WHEN year = 2020 THEN avg_adjusted END) AS adj_2020,
SUM(CASE WHEN year = 2021 THEN avg_adjusted END) AS adj_2021,
SUM(CASE WHEN year = 2021 THEN vol_val END) AS vol_val_2021,
FROM annual_vals
WHERE year >= 2020
GROUP BY ticker_origin, latest_full_description
HAVING SUM(CASE WHEN year = 2020 THEN avg_adjusted END) > 0"
recent_growth <- dbGetQuery(con, sql) %>% as_tibble()
d <- recent_growth %>%
mutate(gr = adj_2021 / adj_2020 - 1) %>%
filter(vol_val_2021 > 1e6) %>%
#' Convert upper case security names to title case
#' @param x a character vector
#' @param rm_ltd whether or not to strip "Limited" and "Ltd" from titles as unwanted clutter
#' @details A convenience function for labelling securities on a chart, which
#' converts to title case, keeps ETF (Exchange Trade Fund) in capitals, and
#' can remove 'Limited' altogether
better_case <- function(x, rm_ltd = TRUE){
x <- toTitleCase(tolower(x))
x <- gsub("Etf ", "ETF ", x)
x <- gsub("Limited", "", x)
x <- gsub("Ltd", "", x)
x <- str_trim(x)
d %>%
ggplot(aes(x = vol_val_2021 / 1e6, y = gr, colour = ticker_origin)) +
geom_point() +
geom_text_repel(data = filter(d, gr > 2 | vol_val_2021 > 100e6),
aes(label = better_case(latest_full_description)),
alpha = 0.9, size = 2.6) +
scale_x_log10(label = dollar_format(suffix = "m")) +
scale_y_continuous(label = percent) +
theme(legend.position = "none") +
labs(x = "Value of transactions in 2021, to 14 February",
y = "Growth in price\nfrom average in 2020 to average in 2021",
title = "High volume and growth securities in the ASX, 2021",
subtitle = "Labelled securities are those with volume of trades > $100m or growth >200%",
caption = "Source: Yahoo Finance via https:/ This is not financial advice.")
La voila. Coming soon in a future blog post - exploring short positions of securities on the ASX.