I write about applications of data and analytical techniques like statistical modelling and simulation to real-world situations. I show how to access and use data, and provide examples of analytical products and the code that produced them.
I familiarise myself with the Australian Bureau of Statistics' statistical Standard on sex and gender, and play around with some data from the Australian General Social Survey that has outputs reported by persons' sexual orientation.
I play around with sampling from finite populations with unequal probabilities, where the R sample() function turns out not to work the way I had expected it to.
I draw some quick charts of Australian economic indicators and ponder the implications. A ratio of two indexes can be a useful part of exploratory analysis.
I draw maps of the largest settlements closest to the north pole and to the south pole, based on an idea by 'Brilliant Maps'.
Inspired by a Toot from Thomas Lumley, I explore a situation where adding random noise to a distribution changes the median but not the mean.
When playing Snakes and Ladders with the common rules actually used, it is more complex than a simple mathematical model; I simulate games and put forward some findings that could be useful in a future high stakes Snakes and Ladders game.
I polish up some visualisations of demographic trends in the Pacific.
I have a mostly successful go at cohort component population projections to replicate the UN's totals from their published parts, with an idea to making small changes to observations or assumptions that can build on the official projections.
I compare the GDP per capita and scores on the UN Multidimensional Vulnerability Index (MVI) of the 68 economies in the 'V20' group with other countries that aren't part of the V20.
I make some visualisations of the country scores of the UN's proposed Multidimensional Vulnerability Index